Mystic Festival 2024: Ticket prices are going up on Monday!

Is it better to be beautiful, young, healthy, rich and have a ticket to Mystic Festival in your pocket or to pay more for it at the last minute, risking to miss the moment when the tickets are sold out?

Please answer yourself this question in the privacy of your black hearts, and in the meantime let us remind you that:

  • Mystic Festival 2024 is less than a month away
  • It takes place in Gdansk Shipyard and will last from June 5 to 8
  • More than 90 bands will perform on five stages – from the classics to the avant-garde, from dark folk ballads and electronica to metal extremes.
  • Tickets can still be purchased at a lower price – check and buy here.

And on Monday, at noon sharp (CET), ticket prices are changing and will be available at this price until the festival or until the pool runs out:

1-day pass (day of your choice between 6-8.06) – 389 zł
2-day pass (6-7.06) – 599 zł
Weekend pass (7-8.06) – 599 zł

4-day pass – 849 zł
4-day pass VIP – 1299 zł
Upgrade VIP – 500 zł