W programie m.in. Bring Me The Horizon, Bruce Dickinson, Accept, Satyricon, Biohazard, Thy Art Is Murder, Life Of Agony, Leprous, Suffocation, Lord Of The Lost, High On Fire, Orange Goblin, Ithaka, Asphyx, Blackgold, Endseeker, Humanity’s Last Breath i Sanguisugabogg.
King DiamondSepulturaIn FlamesBullet for My ValentineOpethW.A.S.P.ApocalypticaSuicidal TendenciesCradle of FilthTurbonegroJerry CantrellBlood Fire DeathExodusPerturbatorJinjerLandmvrksEagles of Death MetalI Am MorbidHatebreedThe Crazy World of Arthur BrownDark TranquillitySphere TiamatThe KovenantCattle DecapitationWhitechapelDeath AngelElderMunicipal WastePolarisNileAlcestBeheritUfomammutOranssi PazuzuMidnightThe BugVaderImminencePaleface SwissStray From The PathDrab MajestyEmployed To ServeEyehategodHaloceneGreen LungPentagramCombichristSkeletal RemainsBlindead 23Signs of the SwarmAbsuDopethroneUnprocessedCobra the ImpalerSiMArchgoatZemialHellripperSlomosaBokassaDefectsThantifaxathCelestial SanctuaryJohn CxnnorThawMØLCabalKatlaPlaguemaceEmblaInhuman NatureTotenmesseMartwa AuraWitch Club SatanBewitcherSplit ChainRickshaw Billie's Burger PatrolCastle RatPort NoirHideous DivinityFaetoothGrove StreetHeave Blood & DieSoulburnGraphic NatureLuna KillsBad TouchLast PenanceHÉR
Mystic Festival to przede wszystkim muzyka. Pod tym szyldem wystąpiły już w Polsce największe gwiazdy metalu i okolic, m.in. Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Slayer, King Diamond, Slipknot, Nightwish i Celtic Frost. Gościmy i żywe legendy, i najgorętsze zjawiska sezonu.